207-761-2709 | Monday - Friday, 9 am to 4 pm info@kidsfirstcenter.org


Co-Parenting: It's Not About Being Right

Successful co-parenting is not about being right, its' about getting it right. Kids First Center Facilitator shares about the training he brings to the classes he facilitates.

Co-Parenting Counseling: It’s OK to Need Help

Moving into co-parenting is often challenging. It's okay to need help moving into the co-parenting role. An attorney provides helpful insights for co-parenting.

Co-Parenting: Avoiding the Distortion of Polarization

Family Therapist, Steve Young, provides insights into how co-parents can move beyond polarization and work together to raise happy and successful children.

Co-Parenting and Financial Abuse

Kids First board member, Marjorie McAvoy, shares her personal story of financial abuse and offers tips for moving forward during a difficult time in the life of a child.

Kids First Center's Social Work Interns

Learn about the experiences of our social work interns helping parents and kids navigate the separation and divorce process at Kids First Center.

Covid-19 Update for Kids and Parents

Kids First Facilitator, Susan Wiggin, MSW provides guidelines for parents to follow during the COVID-19 pandemic in this informative video.

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Executive Director Messages

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What Parents Say ...