Nothing builds a business faster than teamwork. The same is true for uplifting children in our community. Together with our business and corporate partners, Kids First can meet and expand the mission of serving the needs of some of the most vulnerable in our community. Through event sponsorships, donations of in-kind products and expertise, and direct gifts to the Kids First Center, you will be teaming with children and those who love and care for them to improve lives. It is an investment in your community.
For 2021, Kids First will be launching an annual business giving initiative so that you can make a difference, no matter the size of your business. As a Kids First Center partner, you will be joining a growing number of individuals and businesses that truly put kids first.
Spreading the word about what the Kids First Center offers to the community is a big part of the work. Please contact us at to arrange for a time for a Kids First representatives to visit your business (in-person or remotely) so we can tell your team more about the work of the Center and to let you know how your team can help. . . or be helped.