207-761-2709 | Monday - Friday, 9 am to 4 pm info@kidsfirstcenter.org

Announcing the Kids First Institute for Advanced Professional Learning

Dear Friends, 

For over thirty-five years, the Kids First Center has been at the heart of creating educational content for the professional community, exploring the many issues that arise for families when separation, divorce and high conflict are in play. Legal and mental health professionals working with parents and children rely on us to provide expertise that they can trust and utilize in their own practices to better serve their clients, and as a natural extension of this endeavor, we are introducing the Institute for Advanced Professional Learning.

Here we will consolidate our existing professional education materials and expand our offerings of workshops and conferences for professionals in response to the growing needs of our community. Please visit the Institute's page to learn more about our upcoming conference, Reimagining Parallel Parenting.

In addition, this edition of our newsletter brings you information about our free webinar for parents and professionals that discusses good digital co-parenting, our helpful guide for managing Halloween, our view on the U.S. Surgeon General advisory on parental stress, and a warm welcome to our newest employee, Allie Sirrine. 

Please don't hesitate to contact us if you have any questions about our upcoming programs, and I hope you enjoy the coming weeks of beautiful fall weather in Maine. Wishing a Happy Halloween to all those who take part! 



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