Allies come in all shapes and sizes, and you are all a necessary part of the Kids First supportive community. Helping ensure that kids whose parents live apart are not caught up in conflict and are growing up happy, healthy and well-adjusted is an important role. Friends, families, teachers, attorneys, social workers, clergy, childcare providers, counselors, etc. all contribute to the well-being of children. Kids First supports the community of allies by providing educational opportunities, including our annual professional conference and periodic workshops designed to help you in your support role.
Whether you are a seasoned professional or a student just starting your professional journey, the First Step is available to you also and is indispensable to being an ally and having a well-informed practice. The First Step is open to all who want to grow and learn how to best guide clients who find themselves embroiled in parental conflict. The Kids First Center offers audit opportunities for professionals.
Have questions?
If you'd like to learn more about our programs or to apply for financial assistance, please email us at info@kidsfirstcenter.org, or call us at 207-761-2709. The Kids First Center's goal is to make its programming affordable for all parents, children, and allies regardless of financial hardship.
“ I cannot speak highly enough about the Kids First Program. It is an extraordinary resource to parents and children in Maine, and has provided real and practical guidance for parents experiencing the difficulties inherent in divorce. The expanded programs are now providing this wonderful resource to other parents who find themselves in challenging circumstances. The children of Maine are truly blessed by the presence of this resource.”
- Former Chief Justice Leigh I. Saufley, Maine Supreme Judicial Court